Happy New Year! Dust has settled here in the studio and Conlin household after a fun and successful Holiday Market and some holiday travels visiting friends in Portland and Seattle oh so briefly. Now we are home, the Christmas tree has been packed away for another year, piles have been filed and here we are - its a new year! Patrick started the winter teaching schedule Monday, we've re designed and launched our new jewelry website and drawings and musings for new jewelry designs are in the works and in process. Everything feels fast and slow at the same time! The weather unseasonably warm, in the 50's this week, with tiny bits of rain. Unsettling, kind of odd, but lovely. I had to take today to begin cleanup of our front garden, neglected since fall. Even the garden is getting a re-design this year- a privacy hedge, which means digging out mis-placed shrubs and finding new homes for them elsewhere, in the back most likeley. A little more structure. But not to worry, it will still be wild and full of sunflowers and perennials come spring and summer. I dont believe I could grow a garden that didnt have a little bit of wild to it- its just my nature! And, the long list of craft shows to apply for, starting yesterday. That is the months of January and February- the time of show applying. We're going for more this year and we shall see. So its sorting through photos, re-shooting certain pieces, editing, fretting, sending them in. Its all part of the unending process of getting the work out there where the people can see. So many pieces to keep track of, living this sweet artists life. It has its own unique stress and strain, but I would not have any other life! xo Katy Jane
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