
"Let the beauty you see be what you do"-Rumi

Friday, December 18, 2009

Holiday Market!

Please come a support the artisans of the Holiday Market!  We are heading into the final days of this fabulous local artists market. Contrary to  what some may believe, the Market is not just about tie dye and  hippies!  Although you will find those things there, you will also find many NEW artists of all kinds, creating beautiful, skillful handcrafted goods, as well as beloved established artists doing new things too! The artistry truly inspires. I encourage you to GO to the  Holiday Market with fresh eyes, really look and see the work - try not to be overwhelmed and glazed. Have lunch. Go slow and I promise  you will find something unanticipated and beautiful. Shopping local is  SUCH a good thing. If there is an artist that you love, buy something from them!  Support artists, so they can keep making art.  Do it!  xo Katy Jane

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