
"Let the beauty you see be what you do"-Rumi

Sunday, May 2, 2010

a birthday and suddenly its May!

Happy happy birthday to good friend Heidi today xoxoxoxo

I looked up and it was suddenly May!  Things have been so busy here in the studio and in the garden April just flew by. And now, it is truly the burgeoning spring I love so much. May and June are by far my most favorite months of the years with the lush greens and blooms everywhere and most of all the sun!!

We are working like mad to prepare for a June trade show  and a beautiful new catalog that will go out to our growing mailing list of galleries near and far.  Look for a retail catalog available to all by the holiday season this year !!!

We're also looking forward to setting up our beautiful new booth at NW Folklife in Seattle over Memorial Day Weekend. Gorgeous new silk wall panels are in the making as well as a new banner just designed ands sent off to the printer this week.  And lots of new pieces with, you guessed it, flowers, lovely gemstones, silk and leather.  It should be a great show and looking forward to spending some good times with family and friends that weekend as well.

Will try to blog a little bit more often rather than waiting so long. More soon xxoo Katy Jane

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