
"Let the beauty you see be what you do"-Rumi

Thursday, December 2, 2010

tis the season for symbols of peace and love!

prepping these and a batch of other sweet pieces to be dipped in 18k vermeil 

cast sterling holly leaf on deerskin with ruby & vessuvianite, perfect for winter wear


short days, long nights, sleeping cats, crackling fires AND a new puppy on the way.  the studio is buzzing with orders taken over the weekend for our local Holiday Market and a few heading out for shops and galleries across the land-   the house is filled with warmth, extra coffee brewing up on chilly afternoons and piles of holiday cards waiting for messages and signing. December is one of our favorite months!
xo katy jane


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

beginnings of new collections and a sale!

greetings- we are home from our recent travels and are filled with thoughts and visions of new designs and projects and ideas for refining and re-defining our studio space and display.  We can never sit still for long. Patrick is working steadily on two amazing commissions which he will document in his blog  as he finds the time.

the garden is wild and inspiring and I pulled out several 6 ft. tall weeds over the weekend, which was sunny, finally!

 garden art..

funky jewelry display lady

never sad about a petunia

from the newest 'sweeties' collection- tiny bits of shiny & oxidized silver and coming soon in 22k gold!

and finally, our big summer sale. happy summer (almost) everyone!

xo katyjane

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

from Seattle to Las Vegas & back!

a few images from our last 2 weeks on the road to NW Folklife in Seattle & jewelry week in Las Vegas!

Patrick in our booth at ACRE

Patricks mom Jeanne wearing one of his repousse broaches gifted to her a few years back and an amazing handmade vest. She always looks so stunning.

customer service with a smile

the Conlin fam- Peter, John, Mike & Connie

our booth at ACRE

it was 110 degrees in sin city!!

modeling the 'tribal heart' piece Patrick finished just before we left

joshua trees are so kooky

Eagle Lake just south of the Oregon border a bit, just before we hit the same damn rains that were falling when we left. Wheres summer????

Saturday, May 22, 2010

sneak preview

day and night and night and day and day and night we've been working it seems these days. Here are a few sneak peeks of what we've been working on here on Pearl Street. for the NW Folklife crowd in Seattle next weekend!

sunflower and twig

flower  heart, ametrine and ruby

meadow flower and butterfly, peruvian opal

soaring heart and peruvian opal

lotus and gems

sterling flora ring, carnelian and gilded 22k gold bee

peace beads

hope to see all of our Seattle friends out enjoying the music and art!! xo Katy Jane

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

bits of a day

the hours fly by as I work in the studio alone- Patrick was here part of the day and then teaching for the afternoon.  I can focus only for so long at a time until I have to wander out into the garden when its sunny.  It so much an inspiration for our jewelry designs, in case you couldnt tell. The Flowers are coming!  

in the morning before I get too far, I usually stand in the back doorway, just outide our little soldering room and stare at the bamboo and the climbing rose with so many buds.  Next to Ganesh, and ponder....

daisy is in charge of this path

I'll bring some of this lavender inside this evening

a good day...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

a birthday and suddenly its May!

Happy happy birthday to good friend Heidi today xoxoxoxo

I looked up and it was suddenly May!  Things have been so busy here in the studio and in the garden April just flew by. And now, it is truly the burgeoning spring I love so much. May and June are by far my most favorite months of the years with the lush greens and blooms everywhere and most of all the sun!!

We are working like mad to prepare for a June trade show  and a beautiful new catalog that will go out to our growing mailing list of galleries near and far.  Look for a retail catalog available to all by the holiday season this year !!!

We're also looking forward to setting up our beautiful new booth at NW Folklife in Seattle over Memorial Day Weekend. Gorgeous new silk wall panels are in the making as well as a new banner just designed ands sent off to the printer this week.  And lots of new pieces with, you guessed it, flowers, lovely gemstones, silk and leather.  It should be a great show and looking forward to spending some good times with family and friends that weekend as well.

Will try to blog a little bit more often rather than waiting so long. More soon xxoo Katy Jane

Thursday, April 8, 2010

silk, silver and sapphire!

we are loving how these new fancy pendants look on colorful hand dyed, stitched silk ribbon

the meadowflower with cascades of sterling and gorgeous tundru sapphire

an array of our sterling bangles including the fiddlehead and meadowflower. 

Monday, March 8, 2010

a few new things...

queen flora in spring green! sterling and peridot dangles

flowery heart with tourmalines

wings of love- cast sterling design by Patrick  

Monday, March 1, 2010

spring buyers guide ad for Wholesale Crafts

Our first print ad for the trade!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

a beautiful weekend in our studio....

this is my favorite weeder the trusty old Korean hand hoe
daffs and the funky old garden cart

emerging leaves!


today is one of those long Sundays where I feel it will last on and on and I can flutter around like a butterfly from this to that- a little gardening, planting red onions and spinach and greens seeds.  A little laundry and housekeeping, a little chainmaking and jewelry design and some photography and messin around with my new upgraded Photoshop software.  It is truly my favorit kind of day. Sunny, lovely, cats lounging about and my sweet man tapping away with his hammer nearby.


cast bronze twigs- these will become molds for chain and clasp components


sterling "fiddlehead" bangle


queen flora earrings.  

taking advantage of  the perfect natural light outside today for jewelry photography. I love the way this old whitewashed wood is aging - it is one of my favorite backdrops.


lotus and handmade oval chain- a labor of love 

back to all of the various things for a few more hours then its dinnah and the closing cermonies of the Olympics.    Peace-katyjane