this is my favorite weeder the trusty old Korean hand hoe
daffs and the funky old garden cart
emerging leaves!
today is one of those long Sundays where I feel it will last on and on and I can flutter around like a butterfly from this to that- a little gardening, planting red onions and spinach and greens seeds. A little laundry and housekeeping, a little chainmaking and jewelry design and some photography and messin around with my new upgraded Photoshop software. It is truly my favorit kind of day. Sunny, lovely, cats lounging about and my sweet man tapping away with his hammer nearby.
cast bronze twigs- these will become molds for chain and clasp components
sterling "fiddlehead" bangle
queen flora earrings.
taking advantage of the perfect natural light outside today for jewelry photography. I love the way this old whitewashed wood is aging - it is one of my favorite backdrops.
lotus and handmade oval chain- a labor of love
back to all of the various things for a few more hours then its dinnah and the closing cermonies of the Olympics. Peace-katyjane