
"Let the beauty you see be what you do"-Rumi

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Patricks teaching schedule has been intense this summer- 2 new classes and lots of students. Tomorrow is the last day of the term- vacation time! We have a new kitty in our house/studio so we plan to stay close to home. She is just too little to be left alone for long. Maybe we'll escape for at least one overnight campout. Or maybe we'll just pitch the tent in the back yard! Anyway, lots to do and lots of new work coming along. Patrick keeps working on new flowers for the Katy Jane line and we just cast a nice sized batch of older flowers for earrings, pendants and bracelets. Katy just designed a new bead with the Meadowsweet flower and is working into several new gemstone designs.  Our Holiday Market booth has been set - we will be doing all of the December weekends this year. And in addtion to preparing new work for that show, we are working long and hard to prepare for our first wholesale shows next year, possibly starting in  February in  Philadelphia. Big times ahead!  We're happy, healthy and loving our sweet little artists life in Eugene. More to come. xo Katy

APple Blossoms